Sunday, March 15, 2015

Homemade Lasagna Wine Dinner

I had a wine dinner pairing with my parents, my little brother and my grandparents.
My family with my grandpa taking the picture.
My grandma was nice enough to make me one of my favorite dishes for the my wine dinner paring. The first part of the wine dinner paring was a salad with poppyseeds dressing for an appetizer.
The second part of the paring was homemade lasagna and garlic bread.
In order to finish it all off we had White chocolate coconut cheese cake.
The main focus of the paring with the wine was the salad, the lasagna and the cheese cake.
Us toasting to a good grade before we eat. (except for my brother)
The wines that were used in the pairing were:
Name: Paradise Peak
Variety: Sweet Riesling
Region: Washington State
Country: USA
Year: 2013
Name: Stemmari
Variety: Nero D'Avola
Region: Sicilia
Country: Italy
Year: 2010
Name: Muscat
Variety: Terres De Muscat (desert wine)
Year: 2012
I choose these wines because they are supposed to pair with a dish at the wine dinner.  The Paradise Peak was supposed to go with the salad, the Stemmari with the lasagna, and the Muscat with the cheesecake.  Before the paring of the dishes I tried each wine by itself like I would at a tasting.
Paradise Peak- It had a nice fruit smell with a hint of a apple crisp.  The taste was sweet and with a little bit of granny smith apple taste on the back of my tongue.  I actually like this wine by itself I would give it a 8.5 out of 10.
Stemmari- It was a nice dark red wine with some small legs.  The main thing that through me off with this wine is I could smell the acidic of the wine.  The taste of the wine was a little dry but just not as dry as most of the other wines I have had.  It was also slightly bitter with an alcohol after taste.  I would give this wine a 7 out of 10.  On a side note the only person who did not drink this wine besides my underage little brother was my mom because she does not do red wine period.
Muscat- A side not before I talk about my initial overview of the wine is I have never had a desert wine before and I actually learned a small desert wine is typically twelve servings and a regular wine bottle is typically six servings.  When I was at the store buying it I thought I had to pick up to bottles at first until the person who was giving me recommendations explain to me about desert wines.  The muscat had a nice fruity smell and some small legs which I don't normally see with white wines.  I want to restate that I have never had a desert wine and after I tasted it that was when I learned that they are good awful sweet and what was all I could taste.
Some sniff,sniff and taste of the Stemmari
These were my thoughts on how the wines went with the salad:
Paradise Peak- the taste did not change much in my opinion.
Stemmari- the salad lowered a little of some of the sweetness of the wine, but I think that was more from the dressing.
Muscat- I was able to taste a little more of the alcohol, but it was still super sweet.

Next is the Lasagna:
Paradise Peak- I felt there was a little bit less sweetness, but not much.
Stemmari- It lowered the alcohol taste and the bitterness which made it a little bit more enjoyable.
Muscat- it had the same effect as the salad as it I was able to taste a little more of the alcohol, but it was still super sweet.

Finally Cheesecake:
Paradise Peak-  That was one of the worst combos of the night. It felt like the taste of the wine was fighting against the cheesecake.
Stemmari- It was ok but still not that good.  the sweetness of the cheesecake was counter reacting the bitterness of the wine.
Muscat-  This combo was the biggest change of all.  It made the muscat actually bearable by dramatically lowering the sweetness of the wine a lot.

Overall it was a nice fun experience and it was even more fun being able to do this with my family. My favorite wine by itself was the Paradise Peak.  The one with the best combo was the Cheesecake with the Muscat because of the dramatic change in taste.

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