Sunday, February 1, 2015

A Little About Me and Wine

Hello I am Alex L. and to tell you the truth I just got started into this wonderful world of wine.  My knowledge of wine extend's to maybe a glass on christmas and a box whine or two that me and my friends had at are "Social Gathering".  So I want to apologize in advanced when my wine blog is not up to par with a lot of others with things like terminology and being able to point out individual flavors.  I am hoping by the end of the year I will be able to semi-hold my own with everyone else.

My whine knowledge is so low that I don't even have a favorite wine and I am hoping by the end of this year I will be able to answer that question.  One of the things I plan on doing is trying 5 different whines a week and in doing so I am hoping to learn which ones I like and which ones I do not like.  With each tasting I plan on identifying anything I can smell or taste and hopefully give my own rating on a 1 to 10 scale.  One will be considered the worst and ten will be considered the best.

Like I said before I am hoping to expand my knowledge into this wonderful world of wine.  Some of the things I wish/plan on learning this year is like how to properly taste test wine and to hopefully be able to better identify the different aromas and taste in a bottle of wine.  I can almost guaranty in the beginning my descriptions and rating of wine will be sub-par.  I am also hoping to be able to learn how to properly per wine with food.  Another big thing I am hoping to learn is to better identify wine by there name.  People will talk about things like a Pinot Noir, Merlot, and Syrah and those mean nothing to me.  The main one I know of is Chardonnay and I am still learning new things about that.

I hope you enjoy learning along with me and seeing the change and growth of my wine knowledge and maybe yours over the year.

Your drinking buddy,

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